Magst du Sport?
Listen and choose the right answer
Listen and fill in the gaps
Listen and fill in the gaps (more practice)
Listen and fill in the gaps (one more go)
Put the words into the correct order
Unjumble the words
Hangman on adjectives
Match up the words
School - Choose the right accentuated syllable
School subjects - Choose the right accentuated syllable
Anagrams on school subjects
Match the beginning and the end of the sentences
School subjects - Fill in the gaps
Was darf man nicht machen?
Crossword - Click on a number to see the clue
School rules - Fill in the gaps
In England, in Deutschland
Do the statements apply to schools in England or Germany?
Read the text and choose the right answer
Differences between German and English schools - Fill in the gaps
Vocab and pronunciation
Differences between Britain and Germany
Talking about your subjects
School rules
Where is the library?