Read the text and choose the right answer - Haustiere gehören für die meisten zur Familie dazu
Video - Weihnachts-Herausforderung: Patchwork
Video - Rösler will pflegenden Verwandten helfen
Video - Patchwork Familien
Match the words and the sounds
Listen to the words and spell them
Listen and fill in the gaps
Spell the words - You're timed
Masculine, feminine or neutral?
Choose the right accentuated syllable
Choose the right accentuated syllable (more practice)
Video - Kein Eigentumsverkauf für Pflegeheim
Video - Tipps für Neu-Rentner
Find the matching pairs of key phrases
Match German and English words
Video - Ehegattensplitting auch für Homo-Paare
Read the article and answer the questions