Video - Angeklagt: Jugendliche Gewalt in Berlin
Everyday slang - match English and German
Jugendliche beraten Jugendliche - Fill the gaps
Rechte und Verantwortung in Deutschland
Masculine, feminine or neutral?
Video - Schulverbot für Facebook
Die Mode/Trends
Video - Naddel ohne Perücke
Listen and choose the right answer
I am a superstar - Choose the right answer
Match the German and the English words
Unjumble the sentences
Spell the words in German
Fashion - Choose the right accentuated syllable
The role of TV - Choose the right accentuated syllable
Die Musik
Video - Wann ist Musik herunterladen legal
Video - Lampenfieber: Angst vor dem Versagen
Spell the words in German
Das Kino
Video - Daniel Radcliffe in München
Listen and complete the gapfill exercise.
Im Kino - Crosswords
Filme - Can you match the German and English terms?
Die Rolle des Fernsehens
Match the German and the English words
Spell the words in German